About – Brooklyn & Co. Handcrafted
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Hi there, and thanks so much for visiting!

My name is Jamie, and I run (most of) this show! I live in west Michigan with my family.

I have always been a do-it yourselfer…it hasn’t always ended well, but I’m not afraid to give it a go. When I see something I like, my first thought is “I wonder if I can make that myself?”

I’ve been super creative since I was little and I’ve grown to love the arts. When I say arts though, I don’t necessarily mean “fine” arts. I’m not one much for drawing or painting unless it’s paint by number….ha! What I mean is fiber arts; crochet, sewing, embroidery, knitting, weaving. I also mean pastry arts; gourmet cupcakes, handmade chocolate curls, dipped and garnished fruits and pretzels, ganache cakes, homemade peppermint cocoa. And jewelry arts; beading, macramé, wiring, stringing, and working with polymer clay. I get sucked into anything creative. I drive my husband absolutely nuts (I wish I were kidding, but he’s standing in the kitchen right now wondering why I haven’t unloaded the dishwasher) .

Out of all of it though, I really lose most of my time in crochet.

I learned to crochet when I was around 10. My very sweet and super-patient neighbor Delores worked with me on their brick paver patio in the afternoons. I say super-patient because I’m currently teaching my own daughter…I have a whole new sense of gratitude for Delores.  I remember sitting out there, scrawny legs folded under me, watching as she showed me what loops the hook went in for a single crochet. It was incredible to me that by just moving a continuous strand of yarn in and out of loops you could make something of substance. I worked my little single crochet furiously, I won’t even tell you how many crooked potholders and scarves I made that summer until I realized the importance of counting my stitches. I couldn’t wait to learn more…I wanted to make a beautiful granny square afghan just like her. Since I was miles away from that, Delores was kind enough to gift me one at the end of the summer.

I took many years off from hooking and learned other crafts…quilting, embroidery, weaving, and eventually some baking. Then the yarn caught my eye in the fabric store when I was about 25 and I haven’t been able to put it down again since. Aside from my “lessons” with Delores I am self taught in all crafts. I utilize books and patterns, but most of all YouTube (what a fantastic resource that is…I even learned how to install a new garbage disposal!).

I’m so glad you took the time to visit the site. Please feel free to subscribe…you’ll then be notified when new projects are posted!

I really look forward to creating with you!