Welcome! – Brooklyn & Co. Handcrafted
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I can’t even tell you how many times I have written this post just to delete it and mull over my words for yet another week. I also can’t tell you how long I have dreamed about this blog actually being live and not just part of my imagination. I purchased the domain and hosting package in January of 2018 with every intention of having something up and running within 60 days. I was going to design it myself, take all my own pictures, and post a new pattern once a week.

Now it’s April of 2020 (palm to forehead).

Ignorance is bliss…

I have learned SO much in the past 2 years though:

1. Designing a website is serious business and I would have never been successful if I hadn’t reached out for help. I am beyond thankful for the Blue Sky Pro Team, YouTube, and friends and family that gave me their valuable wisdom.

2. Photography is so important if you want to be taken seriously. You have to pay attention to lighting, weather, angle…the list goes on. It took me forever just to figure out appropriate ways to stage. I still struggle (especially with blankets). And then editing….a whole new ball game. My life was forever changed when I discovered presets!

3. Reading your own pattern scribbled on a piece of leftover computer paper is very different than formatting it for someone to follow who may not make the same assumptions you did. Every stitch has to be accounted for, explanations need to be made for why something is done, and “obvious” things aren’t always obvious.

4. This IS NOT going to happen quickly. At least not for me. I can completely see the merit in hiring someone to build a site to get it up and running quickly. Trust me, there were many days I almost did. I really wanted it to be authentic to me though. That, coupled with me being a little bit of a control freak about my stuff, led me to learn how myself.

There is so much more, of course, but for the sake our sanity I will move on.

I have always thought of crochet as my Prozac…it’s what keeps me sane. It’s my outlet. It’s therapeutic. I love talking about it with other people, I love designing, and I love teaching. I really wanted to share that. That’s really what this site is about. I have so many ideas in my head that I would love to see come together, especially if I can share it with others.

So welcome! And thank you for being here, truly, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for taking an interest and making this possible. I really look forward to hooking together!

April 19, 2020